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Nura Khatha is the vision and aspiration of 3 Assyrian brothers; Dominic, Isaac and Christian Younan, who reside in the diaspora, Melbourne, Australia.


'Nura Khatha' in the Assyrian Neo-Aramiac language (the modern-day successor of the language that Jesus Christ spoke) means ‘a new fire’, as Christians we believe that every person is called by the grace of God to experience this ’new fire’ and to carry it with them and share it with all. 


As Assyrians, we also believe there is a need for ‘a new fire’ to be rekindled amongst our people. As our forefathers faced numerous genocides and  persecutions from the people we once considered honoured guests in our land, the majority of us now live in the diaspora. 

More than 95% of the Assyria population now resides outside of our indigenous native homeland in Bet-Nahrain or ‘land between two rivers’, many having never experienced or

even seen the land and way of life.


Our goal is to incorporate the beliefs, culture, customs, and techniques that spans across the diverse land of Assyria into our clothing, in order to honour our faith and people. 


Our Father is from the mountainous and picturesque region of Barwar, specifically a town called Khwara (meaning ‘White’ in Assyrian), whilst our Mother is from the town of Karamlesh, in the ancient Nineveh plains, which was built on an historically important Assyrian town (‘Kar-Mullissi’, which means ‘The city of Mullissu’ in Akkadian) and was at one point the patriarchal

seat of the Assyrian Church of the East from 1336/7 - 1381/2

(It now predominately adheres to the Chaldean Catholic Church). 


Our parents are just two people of our nation which is full of history and significance, with a rich story and legacy - and their story continues with us. 


We are here to play a part in keeping that fire alive and to encourage

a new one to kindle by telling a story, our story and yours too.

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